The 7 Universal Laws that govern the world

What are the Universal laws? How many Universal laws are there?

There are 7 Universal Laws that govern everything that happens within us and in the Universe.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”

At the point when you consider the profound 7 Universal laws, your psyche may go directly to the Law of Attraction. In any case, things being what they are, there is an entire system of interconnected laws that can affect each part of your life. Far superior, the fact that these laws can be utilized to aid the Law of Attraction.

Dating back over 5,000 years, ancient mystical, esoteric and secret teachings from ancient Egypt to ancient Greece and the Vedic tradition of ancient India, all of which have as their common thread these 7 Universal laws.

The Law of Mentalism: We are all Connected

“The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”

—The Kybalion

That all we see and experience in our physical world has its origins in the mental, invisible realm. This tells us there is a single Universal Consciousness — the Universal Mind — from which all things manifest.

All energy and matter at all levels are produced and subordinated to the omnipresent Supreme Mind. Your mind is part of the Common Mind-the same thing in nature, the only difference is that of degrees. Your truth is an artefact of your mind. This is the true power of the mind.

What is the Universal Law of Mentalism?

The Universal Law of Mentalism states that we are all equal and that there is no person, property, quality, etc. or phenomenon that is excluded from the laws of nature. If you doubt this, just look around and listen to all the things that you see. If something exists, it must obey the laws of nature just as you and I do.

If you doubt that laws of nature govern all phenomena, just go to a planet like Mars or one of the other planets in the solar system and watch how it orbits the sun. You will find that no matter which planet or which star you view, the same laws apply. You will also notice that the gravity of the planets and the sun pulls on those planets and stars, but they also attract each other.

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Also, the Law of Mentalism states that to control the Universe, we must learn to control the Mind. The Law of Mentalism states that our minds are the most powerful force in the Universe and can therefore be called one of the 7 Universal Laws. The Law of Mentalism is basically a means of controlling the various elements of the Universe. To do so, we must learn to control ourselves by the mental laws. As I said before, the mind is the main force behind everything, including the law of gravity and the laws of motion. All things, including human minds and human bodies, can be created by the mind.

What does the Law of Mentalism mean

it implies that everything in the Universe and in ourselves is constructed in this mind/consciousness form. It also implies that the mind is more important than form (as in the space within the thought and this world), that there is only one Mind and that it is that of the Absolute. And, that there is only one form of consciousness—that of the Mind. In the teaching of Buddhism, this is expressed in the mantra, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo”—the Law of the Mind that One Mind. The Law of the mind tells us that the Mind is the only reality and that the universe and all that is within it, including every living being, are all projections of that Mind.

How does this law of Mentalism work

It works because that Mind (which is the Universal Mind) doesn’t make a distinction between its creations and it. We know that consciousness is from the Universal Mind so it must be intelligent too. This means that the Universe is sentient and we know it is intelligent because it communicates with us via electromagnetic waves and through something called vibrations and these cause it to move and change its form. It also communicates to us through colours which we see and through its ability to sense colours and react to them. The difference between the world of us and the universe is that the universe perceives and understands in-depth whereas we, humans, understand only on an almost superficial level.

The Law of Divine Oneness

It is the foundational law of the Universe which states that everything in our Universe (seen or unseen) is connected to everything else. It means whatever decisions we make, tasks we do, words we say, think or believe will affect others in your life and impact the world around you.

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We are all one, and knowledge of this makes us both more strong and more empathetic. Everything in this universe is made up of energy — you, your neighbour, the screen you are reading on. And this energy is really what governs the movement of all things in this Universe

Law of Mentalism- 1st Universal law: We are all Connected

The Law of Vibration: Vibrational energy

Law of Vibration is the second among 7 Universal laws. According to this Law, every particle in the universe is in the state of motion and carries energy. Everything is vibration. This applies to the vast parts of the universe, such as the planets and the stars. However, it also applies to the floor you are standing upon or the car you drive.

Everything has its own frequency of vibration. These vibrations find similar frequencies and resonate when another object, person, thought, or feeling emits the same vibration. That’s why/how we build connections with similar-minded people in this world; it’s because they were on the same wavelength as we were at that particular moment in time. 

The Law of Vibration or the law of motion describes the frequency or amount of vibration of any substance.

The next Law of Vibration is the Polarity of Relative Matter (i.e. mass) The second Law of Vibration (of Relative Matter) helps to explain many of the phenomena that we encounter on this planet today.

Rhythm The third Law of Vibration, which describes the nature of particles and the amount of vibration. This law holds true for all matters.

Cause and Effect The fourth Law of Vibration describes the interaction of matter with its environment.

The last Law of Vibration, helps us understand why the weather is always changing.

Resonance is a relationship that exists between two bodies vibrating at the same frequency. How you’re feeling at the moment decides the vibration, and then the frequency you’re on. The Law of Attraction is derived from this law.

The Law of Correspondence

The 3rd Universal Law. This law is directly connected to the first law (foundational law) i.e., The Law of Divine Oneness. It tells “As above, so below; as below, so above”. Whatever you’re thinking, or feeling inside, is exactly what’s going on outside your mind and body. If you are thinking love, love is what you correspond to externally.

As a matter of principle and by law, you must return the same love, from an individual, location, event, or circumstance. Your outside life and environment are a representation of what you think and feel within you.

This law says that everything comes to us from Something else and that something else is the origin and cause of every phenomenon. For example, in the molecular world, molecules come from Hydrogen and other elements from outer space. For the same reason, in a matter of life, energy or consciousness—consciousness and thoughts originate in the human mind before we become conscious of them.

So, matter and consciousness are a part of One, the Mind of Universal Mind. The Law of Vibration This law says that the vibrations in space and time, and on the three bodies of matter, cause changes in them. For example, just sound waves on the molecular level—harmonics, harmonics and dissonances, harmonically shift the molecular structures or elements.

The Law of Polarity

“Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree”

It is also the First Law of the Universe that is Variable or Erratic. It can be understood as-

Everything has two sides


Everything has an Opposite


Everything exists in twos

The Law of Polarity is called the Law of Attraction (The Law of Universal Vibration and Immortality) and it states, “The Universe will give everything that it receives”. This means that the actions we take and the thoughts we think are the Universes giving us back exactly what we give it, and there is nothing that we can give it that the Universe does not also give back. All you have to do is think positive.

The Law of Rhythm states that “All things dance or sway in balance with each other”. It is in fact how all elements have a ‘rhythm’ to their functioning and how life on Earth functions. The Law of Cause and Effect The Law of Cause and Effect is the means by which cause and effect connect to create the Universe.

Things that seem opposite actually have two extremes and these extremes are not specific. For example, Heat and Cold are two poles of the same thing having varying degrees however there are no specific start and endpoints.  

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled” 

—The Kybalion

The Law of Rhythm

Also known as The Law of Perpetual Motion which says

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum‑swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

—The Kybalion

It is the second mutable law which states that everything in the Universe acts as a pendulum that swings too and fro. Whenever something goes negative, it must be followed by Positive. Nothing is constant. The greatest empire rises and falls like the waves of the Ocean. If something has a good time, it is followed by a bad time whether it is Business, Relationships or Life.

Rhythm is the fundamental principle of the Universe. It is the inner musical note of the Universe. Rhythm does not work in a vacuum. It exists within all creations and will change the nature of all that it touches. Rhythm is the Universal law that says, “Work with the Creation and Not Against It”. Rhythm is a harmonic progression that is based on repeating cycles.

This means that while working with the Universe, we should be repeating the same behaviours again and again, over and over. It is not just the absence of negative actions that do not result in success. It is the presence of positive actions that do not result in success. The Rhythm of Life There are 4 cycles in a day. 1. The Morning Cycle (5 am to 9 am) 2. The Evening Cycle (10 pm to 5 am) and so on.

The Law of Cause and Effect

“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”

—The Kybalion

This law closely resembles Newton’s third law of Motion i.e., For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Everything that happens in the physical world is the effect of the inner thoughts of mind. There is nothing called chance or luck. Every cause has its effect and every effect becomes the cause of something else. Also, whatever the measure of cause is, the effect will have the same measure i.e., higher the cause, higher the effect will be and vice versa. We know this law by famous quotations such as

“What goes around, comes around”


“Do good and good will follow you”


“For whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap”

The Law of Cause and Effect is the most widely known of the seven laws. All living beings are natural phenomena, which are capable of causing or producing corresponding phenomena. The Conscious Mind (Mind of Universal Mind), is the Energy, the Energy which permeates the Universe and which itself produces and is produced by the Universe.

The Law of Gender

“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles”

The Law of Gender indicates that it is the “Nature” of all things that are Male or Female. This law essentially states that the physical and biological sexual distinctions between Male and Female, which are scientifically found in the body is all a matter of “Sexual Alignment”, which is a matter of Mind or Spirit. The “Nature” is determined by Mind and the “Nature” is male/female.

Therefore, anything that has a male sexual gender in the physical, biological world and anything that has female sexual gender in the physical, biological world, is “Gender Aligned” to the particular Biological Sex of each member.

The Law of Correlation and “Relationships”– This Law states that everything has a cause and effect relationship.

Gender manifests on all planes. Male and female are the two sides of the same coin and it follows for Animals, Plants, etc as well. All are required in order to have life. Feminine qualities are love, patience, intuition, Sensitivity, patience, vulnerability, beauty, gentleness whereas masculine qualities are energy, strength, self reliance, Physique and intellect. 

However, every female has the presence of latent qualities of masculine and male has of the feminine. Both are equally required.

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